no product Shipping

Shipping policy

Can I choose day and / or delivery time?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose a specific time and day. All orders are processed automatically and we are not able to change the shipping and delivery times.

Please double-check that the Shipping Address you provide is accurate.

The Company will not send the products until the payment has been totally settled . 

For the delivery, the Company avails itself of the service of reliable couriers which are selected from time to time according to the product ordered and the destination. 

How long it takes for delivery?

The Company, except for unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, will promptly deliver the products purchased, to all over the USA within 3-5 working days from the date of the receipt of the payment made by the Customer. 

The delivery will take place from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM at the Customer’s address as indicated in the order. 

If Customer’s details are incomplete or incorrect (with the subsequent impossibility to deliver the products), the Company will contact the Customer before the dispatch. 

The Company shall not be responsible for any delay caused by the courier.

Further Information About Shipping

We ship to all US states with the EXCEPT Alaska and Hawaii.

We cannot provide an exact delivery date/time, but you can check the status of your shipping through Fedex tracking number.